Beyond Type 1

Beyond Type 1 is a non-profit organization founded by Juliet de Baubigny, Nick Jonas, Sarah Lucas and Sam Talbot in 2015. It is a community of people touched by Type 1 Diabetes. Beyond Type 1 is
dedicated to changing what it means to live each day with T1D.

Beyond Type 1 is a new brand of philanthropy leveraging the power of social media and technology, changing what it means to live with Type 1 diabetes. By educating the global community about this chronic, autoimmune disease, as well as providing resources and support for those living with Type 1, Beyond Type 1 bridges the gap from diagnosis to cure, empowering people to both live well today and to fund a better tomorrow. 100% of every dollar raised directly supports the most promising global efforts and programs working to educate, advocate and cure Type 1 diabetes. -

The app is a great place to connect with other people touched by T1D. You can also access it online at

After discovering BT1, I downloaded the app and even found TWO other girls who had been diagnosed just days after me. Through the app we were able to privately message each other about our experience. Everyone on the app is incredibly kind, understanding, and helpful. It is definitely a safe place for anyone affected by Type 1 Diabetes to vent, share, or give advice.

The Beyond Type 1 Snail Mail Club is a pen pal program connecting anyone with Type 1 Diabetes around the world. It is free to join, but I recommend making a $10 donation to cover the cost of participation if you are capable, but if not, that's okay too! **Bonus points if you make a donation to cover the cost of you AND another person who is unable to pay!!

I previously blogged about the Snail Mail Club and what happened after I signed up! Check out that post here. Who doesn't love getting REAL mail?! I loved the idea of having a pen pal to write to. I knew NO ONE with diabetes of any kind when I was diagnosed Feb of 2017, so this program was perfect for me. It was originally designed for kids and teens, but overly enthusiastic adults, like me, are welcome, too.

You have a choice of choosing a pen pal of the same age or gender, or you can select no preference. Once you are matched, you will receive a fun Starter Kit including stationary, stamped envelopes, postcards, stickers, etc.

Beyond Type 1 recently launched a new Shop The Drop website so everyone in the T1D community can rock their Drop swag. They offer a variety of clothing, accessories, and toys for women, men and kids! Best part - all proceeds benefit Beyond Type 1! At the beginning of this post, I'm wearing the infamous Drop Hat. Shop it here. Be sure to tag Beyond Type 1 on social media when wearing any of your Drop swag! @beyondtype1 #TheDropSpotted 

Beyond Type 1 recently produced a full length documentary called, Bike Beyond. It captures the intense 70-day cycling adventure across the USA - 4200 miles - by 20 cyclists all living with Type 1 Diabetes who completely destroy stereotypes, raise awareness, and smash expectations. On my very first World Diabetes Day, I attended the Bike Beyond Premiere in Los Angeles. It was an emotional day for me. Read all about the feels here.

The full length feature will release to the public later this year. However, you can watch an extended sneak peek of the film on YouTube! (See below). I truly believe that this film will bring home awards from film festivals, educate the world on Type 1 diabetes, and kickstart a movement! 

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